Trevor Ashley Star*Struck Apr.23rd, May 9th ’14

theatre misc



So I was at the premiere of Trevor Ashley’s Star*Struck in Vienna. And it was a scream and a hoot, just as I’d expected. Trevor donned wig after wig and was absolutely awesome as every Diva under the sun – starting out with Shre erm Cher, going on to Bette Midler and an incredibly naughty, brilliant joke involving flowers from a boyfriend and legs in the air that had me rolling on the floor but was “lost in translation” for many others, and even touching Whitney Houston’s drug problems when lighting a crack pipe on stage to climb the high notes of “I will always love you” (hell now I feel like a bath…) and I was screaming with laughter again. It ended (too soon, much too soon) with a brilliant depiction of Susan Boyle complete with vacant stare and strong voice. I am so very glad I see this a second time!!!
oh and I was The Wind – I was in charge of the wind machine to make a dress billow during Total Eclipse of the Heart. The brilliant things that happen when you sit front row smack dab in the middle! LOLOLOL


I went to Trevor’s second show as well, and I’m so glad I did. First of all, I really liked the program. But it was also the fact that he changed parts of it, leaving stuff he remembered went over the heads of his audience out of it, adding stuff that had us all on the floor laughing again. There was a couple sitting next to me who obviously hadn’t seen him before – and by halftime they were his biggest fans. By the end I guess only I was more enthusiastic! LOL

I was The Wind again! “Ingrid, reprise your part from last time!” yes, of course (I had the same seat! The joys of booking the instant the tickets went up LOL) oh and this time, as it was Friday and I had the weekend off, I waited at the stage door (which conveniently was a bar, so Prosecco was had as well) and I can report that Trevor is a truly lovely guy, patient with fans, naughty, open and fun. Me happy!