A little Night Music Nov. 2009 Apr. 2010

ny broadway

Stephen Sondheim. Angela Lansbury. ‘Nuff said.

Amazing stuff. And then there is Catherine Zeta Jones. The most beautiful woman in the world in the dresses she is allowed to wear as the famous actress who is fluttering from engagement to engagement, from theatre to theatre, from man to man. When she finally comes back home where her one true love lives fate is set in motion. Unfortunately for Ms Zeta Jones her vocal abilities on stage are not as secure as on screen and she veered off the right path once or twice.

And furthermore unfortunately for her there is Angela Lansbury. This woman is absolutely amazing. Whenever she is on stage, everyone else fades into the background no matter how hard they try. She is truly magical – a grand lady, a grande dame whose voice is still sure and wonderfully sweet and full of emotions. Her last scene had me in tears. I was truly privileged to have seen her live on stage and the award she got presented by Stephen Sondheim himself was absolutely, wonderfully well deserved. Too bad, but totally understandable that she didn’t come out the stage door to sign.

Addendum: Too sad – Angela didn’t get the groundbreaking SIXTH Tony in her life – lucky she isn’t slowing down in any way despite her age. It was Catherine Zeta Jones who got it – not that I understand it. But that’s life!